Full Body Strength & Conditioning #19
This workout is a perfect combo of low impact cardio & strength work. It will boost your metabolism and make you burn calories hours later.
I enjoyed the combo for core legs and arms at the same time. I have a cold I felt better after even if my muscles were very sore.
Hi Laure, thank you for your feedback!i am glad the workout was helpful!
I used 10lbs and boy was this challenging! Loved this workout- leaves you feeling strong and accomplished!
thats so cool Lisa! love how you described your feeling!
Another great full body workout. 5kg dumbell :-)
well done Anna!love seeing you become stronger!
4 kilos :)
thats great Chloe!
Kneeling was hard! I mostly used a 10lb kettle bell. Switched to 5lb if over my head.
It's totally fine to modify when it's needed! Well done!