Full Body Strength & Conditioning #28
This workout is a perfect combo of low impact cardio & strength work. It will boost your metabolism and make you burn calories hours later.
Same! 11/10. I modified too and had to change weights/no weights in round 3. All rounds 3 were murder. But I finished it. For my current fitness level this intensity is ok once in a while. It would be too hard every day.
totally understanding it, thats why we have this class scheduled once per week , to build up! thank you for accepting the challenge!
Definitely 10/10. I had to modify quite a bit. No complaints though! Something to aspire to.
super!love your spirits, Annette!
10 for intensity, I had to move to lower weights partway through and then no weights for last round of push-ups. 6 for liking it. Longer sessions of Tabatha with weights are not my fave as I find myself losing the form because I’m trying to go too fast. Something I need to work at.
Hi Lisa, thank you for the feedback! well done on pushing yourself. A tip from a trainer, even if you do tabata, dont replace the tehcnique for the form. Better slow down but keep the good technique!
wowowow! well done for making it nevertheless!
10/10 with 6 kg for me... :) super though
well done on making it, strength gains are coming)